Comfort & Care of Tampa Bay

Patients' Rights & Responsibilities

Comfort & Care of Tampa Bay

What Are The Patients’ Rights & Responsibilities?

Comfort & Care of Tampa Bay makes every effort to provide the highest quality services to all clients.


  • Dignity and respect
  • Not be discriminated against based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or handicap
  • Mutual respect and dignity, including respect for property
  • Caregivers are prohibited from accepting personal gifts or borrowing from clients.


  • to freely choose a registry to provide services and to be informed of choices.
  • to be informed of policy and procedures for implementing advanced directives
  • to be notified of the type, frequency, and duration of the planned care
  • to be assured that all care provided is in accordance with the plan of treatment and the standard of practice
  • to be advised and make decisions in the planning and revision of care plans
  • to be assured that all personal are supervised by registry professionals
  • to be referred to another source of care if refusal of care and treatment ordered compromises safety and the registry commitment to quality care
  • to have information communicated in language that is understood
  • to know what support services are available, for example an interpreter
  • to a prompt and reasonable response to questions, requests, and concerns
  • to refuse services or request a change in caregivers without fear of discrimination
  • to confidentiality with regard to personal health, social and financial circumstances
  • to expect the registry to release information only as required by law authorized by the patient
  • to be informed of the extent to which payment may be expected from the applicable insurance plans
  • to be informed of changes for which the patient may be liable
  • to be informed within 30 calendar days, orally and in writing, of any changes in charges
  • to have access, upon request, to all bills for services received
  • to be given, upon request, full information and necessary counseling on the availability of known financial resources for care
  • to know what rules and regulations apply to patient’s care
  • to be given information concerning diagnosis, planned course of treatment, alternatives, risks, and prognosis
  • to impartial access to medical treatment or accommodation, regardless of sex, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, physical handicap, or source of payment
  • to voice grievances without fear of discrimination
  • to be informed of the disposition of complaints by contacting the registry Supervisor to report complaints or dissatisfaction with care or services any day from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • to keep appointments, or telephone the Registry when scheduled care visits cannot be kept
  • to give accurate information about health history, present medical problems, and any current treatments or medications
  • to inform Registry personal of any health care instructions not understood or specific to current needs
  • to participate and cooperate with medical professionals and Registry personal in the treatment program as agreed upon
  • to remain under a physician’s care while receiving Registry treatment
  • to provide information necessary for the payment of services
  • to inform Registry of changes inability to pay for services
  • to sign required consents and releases for insurance billing
  • to sign required time/activity cards/sheets for care and services received
  • to agree to learn about your condition and any procedures required for your health maintenance
  • to notify the Registry as follows
  • if hospitalization occurs
  • if status changes
  • if caregiver’s ability to participate in care services changes
  • to keep this information easily accessible during the course of services
  • to provide a safe environment for care and services to be provided
  • to inform Registry of the potential unsafe condition


Comfort & Care of Tampa Bay makes every effort to provide the highest quality services to all clients. If you are unhappy with any of our services, please call our office and speak with a care coordinator.